You Are Infinitely Capable, It's True.
It's a message most of us have a hard time believing. However, it does not mean it's any less true.
The greats, the successful, the people you look up to are no more capable than you. They weren't gifted with some ability or intellect you don't have. Go look up their stories if you don't believe me.
Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Muhammad Ali, George Washington, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Maya Angelou, Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Agatha Christie, Madam C.J. Walker, Andrew Carnegie, Rory McIlroy, David Goggins, Madonna, and Harrison Ford all were not destined for greatness. Instead, they willed their way to success, every last one of them.
You don't have to be great if you don't want to, but please don't buy for one second that you aren't able.
You can have whatever you want from this life. If you understand the biggest obstacle in your way is your brain telling you that you can't.
You must remember above all else, your brain wants to keep you safe. And from your brain's perspective going for it is the opposite of safe.
Yes, there are more immediate hardships when you put yourself out there, but there are far more peaks as well. In the end, you won't have to deal with the worst hardship of all, regret for playing it safe. The thing those on their deathbed regret the most.
You are Infinitely Capable, the question is Will You Realize It?