The Single Best Way to Improve Your Life...

Apr 10, 2024By Ryan Jespersen
Ryan Jespersen

Set and follow a bedtime. It provides two huge benefits. 

1) Getting 7 hours of sleep is the best thing you can do for your life. 

It improves your cognition, happiness, longevity, productivity, metabolism, and immune system. 

2) It allows you to set aside 30 minutes for you time each morning. 

30 minutes to do what you want is a life hack to happiness, self-improvement, and life satisfaction. 

To determine your bedtime first figure out what time you need to wake up to spend 30 mins. for yourself then get you & any dependents ready for the day. 

Second, work backward 8 hrs. from that time. This allows 30 minutes to get ready for bed & read and 7.5 hrs. for sleep.