The Most Motivating Thing In The World...

Aug 03, 2023

Our problem when chasing a big goal is not the size of the feat or whether or not we are capable.

The problem is what we think of our chances.

Talent and difficulty are obstacles of course, but they are not the biggest obstacle. The biggest obstacle is our belief in our chances.

When we believe we can, we take action. We try, fall, learn, and adjust, the basis of all learning and accomplishment. However, as the road gets more challenging and the voices of doubt (both internal and external) get louder, we start to believe we can't do it. That it was foolish for thinking we could. We give up.

We stop the only process there is to success, the one used to achieve all things both in our adult lives and as youngsters learning everything we now know, The Not-So-Secret Recipe to Success.

A recipe you know well: Try, fall, learn, adjust, repeat, succeed.

The key is to get your brain to believe and keep going. The best way to do that is to use the most motivating thing in the world: Progress.

Progress is proof to our brain that we can. It encourages us to keep going and keep falling forward.

The best way to make progress is to break your big goals into small checkpoints, building up win after win.

When you do that anything becomes possible for your life.

What are your thoughts about this?
